by Natalie Chalmers | Relationships
Relationship Rituals For Lockdown In the UK, we’re facing another national lockdown this week. And many other countries are already in stricter lockdowns again, or may be heading towards another. One of the biggest struggles I’ve seen couples have...
by Natalie Chalmers | Relationships
Having His Back out of sync with each other How things sometimes go in my relationship (2 HSPs, one 1 ENFP, one INFJ) – maybe you’ll relate? Jol and I still have work to do on healthy boundaries and his go out of whack when he has to adapt to change. And...
by Natalie Chalmers | Energy Medicine, Relationships, Spirituality
Personal Review 2010 – 2020 Personal Review 2010 - 2020 (audio version) let’s begin in 2010 I’ve not been all that inspired by the ‘review of the decade’ idea so...